Fast Diagnosis for Superior Patient Care

Cardea SOLO is a wearable ambulatory ECG device for software-assisted analysis of heart rhythms. With our advanced software system, Cardea SOLO is purposefully designed to speed up the diagnostic process, saving time and effort.

Fast Reporting

Get detailed and precise reports within minutes — Cardea SOLO provides valuable data for informed decisions.


Cardea SOLO is designed for exceptional accuracy in detecting cardiac abnormalities.

Cardea SOLO System



SENSOR is lightweight (23g), water-resistant, and wire-free, with a 7-day wear period, and it can continuously record up to a million heartbeats.



The smart cable enables USB connectivity to Windows PC and facilitates the seamless transfer of ECG data to the SOLO software.



Our software provides immediate ECG data access, automatically generating draft summary reports. It also offers a range of powerful clinical tools, including trace view, R.R. view, beat morphologies, and calipers.

Great Patient Compliance

Effortless SENSOR Wear

Easy to wear and easy to use, Cardea SOLO's comfortable and convenient.

Fast Reporting

Download data and generate reports within only 5 minutes.

Water Resistant

Patients can shower, do everyday activities & moderate exercise.

Wear Period

The wear period is more than 48 hours to 7 days.

Effortless SENSOR Wear

Easy to wear and easy to use,
Cardea SOLO's comfortable and convenient.

Fast Reporting

Download data and generate
reports within only 5 minutes.

Water Resistant

Patients can shower, do everyday
activities & moderate exercise.

Up to 7 Days

The wear period is only up
to 7 days.

Discover Proven Success of Cardea SOLO


Accuracy & Reliability

The Cardea SOLO software incorporates a full disclosure feature, offering a comprehensive overview of the record categorized by days on the TraceViewer page. The displayed patterns on the disclosure page provide precise detection of arrhythmias. Moreover, heart rate variability and atrial/ventricular ectopy can be easily identified through visual markers, represented by dots and vertical lines, respectively, enabling precise diagnosis and analysis.

The software accurately detects arrhythmias, with a positive predictive value percentage of over 96%.

Automated and in-office

Generate reports in less than 5 minutes to get a quick and clear understanding of your patient’s cardiac health.

Advanced Algorithms

Harnessing the power of advanced algorithms that meet ANSI/AAMI standards, SOLO’s proprietary software analyzes and interprets ECG data.

Intuitive Tools and Interface

Simple tools for viewing and measuring heartbeats make SOLO’s software user-friendly.


With access to your patient’s entire record by day, you can view every heartbeat and identify potential causes of symptoms.

Patient’s Data

SOLO’s software is designed to process data in-office. It is installed directly on local PCs, requiring no transfer of patient data to third parties.

Our Proprietary Software

Great Staff Satisfaction

Staff-friendly Software
Convenient Registration
Vendor-free Workflow

Outfitted with must-have clinical views and tools but requiring no technical training, Cardea SOLO is perfect for clinicians and staff alike.

Registering a patient with Cardea SOLO is fast and easy, with only demographic and device information needed to get started.

Bringing data processing in house, Cardea SOLO makes chasing third-party vendors a thing of the past.

Cardea SOLO supports global billing, allowing providers to retain the full reimbursement without sharing with IDTF centers.

Reimbursement rates have increased, making it cost-effective for providers.

Most commercial and government insurance policies cover Cardea SOLO.

Complete Reimbursement

Provider Resources








Software Download Request

For more resources or additional information, explore our “CI University” page.

If you need further assistance, our Product Support Team is available at 866-554-3751, Option 2.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have more questions about reimbursement.

Accurate and thorough diagnosis code documentation can support medical necessity for Cardea SOLO use. Cardiac Insight is here to assist physicians and facility providers treating patients with Cardea SOLO.

Reimbursement Hotline: 1-866-554-3751 Option 4 (toll-free)  Email: click HERE
Hours of operation: 9 am–6 pm EDT

Telephone and email inquiries will be answered within 24 hours.

What support does Cardiac Insight include?

Review of the following:

• ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes applicable to the Cardea SOLO System, from sensor application through diagnostic interpretation

• Relevant Category I CPT Codes (effective January 1, 2022) supporting long-term electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring

• Recommendations for Medical Necessity and Clinical Documentation

Let's Talk.

Let's Talk.

Innovation Meets Simplicity

Cardea SOLO Software Request